Greetings one and all,
With this influx of Spanish-speakers to the United States, the issue of language comes up from time-to-time. There are some people who are for English-only while there are others who say that people should speak their own language. This issue of language in the United States is nothing new. Let’s look at a Wisconsin case where the problem of speaking another language and understanding it had consequences.

As I did my research, I began to realize that not everyone within the Hispanic/Latin public uses Spanish. Yet, for those that do, there are some agencies that are in existence to connect companies or organizations to this public. One was TeleNoticias, which uses a wide array of companies such as Western Union or General Motors to connect to this public. You can see their link here => telenoticiasusa.com I also learned more about how the younger segments of this demographic is connected to the internet and each other through various forms of social media. You can check them out here. Some of the more highly-used websites for this demographic are holamun2.com or MySpace Latino.